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Flaky Pastry


Makes 6 rolls of pastry 

  • 8 x 250 ml (1 kg) cake flour, plus extra for dusting 

  • 5 ml salt 

  • 2 X 500 g butter (ice cold) 

  • 6 egg yolks 

  • 500 ml soda water 

  • 7.5 ml cream of tartar 


  • Sift the flour and salt together. 

  • Coarsely grate 500 g of the cold butter and rub it into the dry ingredients. 

  • Beat the egg yolks and soda water together and add to the dry ingredients. Mix to make a firm dough. 

  • Cover the dough and refrigerate for 30 minutes before using. 

  • Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface into a very large rectangle. 

  • Grate another 250 g of cold butter evenly over the rectangle. Fold the dough into thirds, turn 180 degrees and fold into thirds again. Seal the edges with the rolling pin, cover,and refrigerate for another 30 minutes. 

  • Soften the remaining 250 g butter and mix in the cream of tartar. 

  • Divide the pastry in two and roll out on a floured surface - roll each riastry half into a rectangle of about 30 x 50 cm. 

  • Spread each pastry rectangle with half of the softened butter mixture and roll it up into a long roll (50 cm in length). 

  • Cut each pastry roll into three equal-sized rolls and cover well in clingfilm. Refrigerate and use as needed or freeze for later. 

  • Place the dough on a sheet of parchment paper (flour lightly) and roll into a wide circle. Place in the fridge.