Waterblommetjie Bredie
Waterblommetjie Bredie
a favourite of the boland
Ingredient list
1 kg Lamb knuckles
250 ml Lamb Stock
2 Garlic cloves
1 Lemon
1 Onion, large
500 g Potatoes
2 carrots
1 tin tomatoes
Baking & Spices
4 Cloves
20 ml Coriander seeds
1 Salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 sprigs of thyme
1 kg Waterblommetjies
Heat a cast iron or heavy based pot on the stove and add the oil.
As soon as the oil is hot, brown the meat in batches until it has a golden brown colour.
Remove the meat from the pot and in the same pot saute the onion, garlic and spices until the onions are soft.
Add the meat and stock to the pot and on a very slow simmer cook the meat until soft.
Put the meat in the oven, because it yields a lovely flavour and colour to the final dish. Add tin tomatoes.
After about 1 hour, add the waterblommetjies and potatoes & carrots to the pot and if it needs more stock, add a little, just enough for the vegetables to steam until cook.
You do not want a watery stew.
When ready to serve, adjust the salt and pepper if needed, add a little lemon juice and serve on fluffy white rice and a sweet and sour cucumber salad on the side, or roasted tomatoes!!!