Banana + Nut bread
at home recipes
No time to bake? Buy this bread online and have it delivered to you.
Ingredient list
100g Sultanas
4 tablespoons fruit juice
100g white flour
75g brown flour (or use white)
2 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
Large pinch of salt
3 ripe small bananas
150g natural yogurt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
100g light muscovado sugar
50g honey + 1 tablespoon to glaze
2 large eggs
100g of your favourite assorted nuts
Makes 1 loaf
Preheat your oven to 170ºC
Grease a large loaf tin with butter or cooking spray oil.
Put the sultanas in a small pan with the fruit juice. Bring to a boil and immediately turn off the heat. Leave the fruit to soak up the liquid while you continue on the rest of the steps.
Place all the flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda en salt in a large mixing bowl and set aside.
Put the bananas in a small bowl and mash them with a fork. Mix in the yogurt and vanilla. Put the sugar and honey in another bowl and crack in the eggs. Using an electric whisk, mix the sugar, honey and eggs together until they have lightened in colour and thickened (± 5 min). Stir in the banana and yogurt mixture.
Fold in the dry ingredients, the soaked sultanas and about three quarters of your assorted nuts, roughly chopped.
Gently scrape the mixture into the prepared tin. Scatter the remaining nuts over the top. Bake for about 60min, or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.
Gently warm a little honey in the microwave, or briefly in a saucepan. Brush it over the banana bread. Leave the bread in the tin to cool.
Wrap your bread in a greaseproof paper and store in an airtight container for a week or so.